At the beginning we research topics which we could do our documentary on and on a word document we wrote down a list of possibilities. Afterwards we had to decide on which one we wanted to do. First i chose to do traffic within the area but then after further research i decided to change my mind and decided to do bullying. At first i chose bullying on text then decided to expand to do social media as well. Before I started filming in December I created a storyboard so I would have a good idea on what the documentary was going to look like. The storyboard was 8 shots because it was shortened down as i wasn't 100% sure on everything. Starting from the 4th December i started to film. On this day i filmed during my media lesson and it was establishing shots of the college which i thought would be appropriate for the topic. For example I did a pan of the a classroom which can show that people are alone. I filmed during my media lessons because this was the time I was able to but also when I was able to get some editing down because of the Mac that i use and it is on the desktop. The next time i filmed was on the 7th December and I started to film more shots and started to ask people my questions for my documentary but I didn't believe that the footage wasn't the best which is why it wasn't in the documentary. On the 11th December I went onto freesound to find some sound effects which would match. Also on this day I was searching for a song to put in the background and the song i decided on is Sam Callahan Bigger Things which i got from Youtube and the converted it into an MP4. I believed this describes the video very well. On 18th December part of my documentary has been filmed but also edited of it. It is now January and I decided to film more shots such as my parts as I am answering some of the questions and I decided to film these clips on my camera. One of these clips didn't let me put it into iMovie but then I got someone to help me and was able to get the clip onto iMovie which i needed. By the end of January I finished editing my movie and then i exported it and put it onto Youtube so we were able to watch it and able to put the video onto blogger. After we did this we started to watch all of our documentaries in class but also writing our evaluation on how everything went and feedback we got from other students on how they think our documentary is.

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