Friday, 27 November 2015

Pre production techniques

I will be filming my documentary during the lesson during Tuesday(1st December) but also during my free at school during the week. I will also be filming outside on Friday(4th December) because I will have time to film and I will be able to get time to interview people and have things I want people to say within the documentary. I will also be filming next Monday during my lesson and at lunch time. Another time which I will be filming is during lunch time and during lesson on 11th December. This because i have a lesson and i will be getting shots with my friends and they are free at that time. Also I will be filming in January to get all of my other filming done.

There is no budget for the film but I will be borrowing the camera and tripod to film my documentary from the college. Also I will be using my own camera to film parts of my documentary.

Health and Safety:
Health and Safety is important because we don't want anyone to get hurt on set but also it is required to follow the heath and safety act so you need to meet the requirements and be careful of what is around you so no one gets hurt. A few things which we will need to be careful from where we are filming is:

Slippery floor- You might fall over because it is wet and you need to be careful with your surroundings.

Chairs/Tables- I will be filming parts in a classroom so there will be table and chairs so you will need to be careful of them in case you trip over or bump into them.

Balcony- I will be filming on the balcony so you need to be careful you don't go over the edge of the barrier because you don't want to drop down there or drop anything over the edge.

The locations where I will be filming for my documentary are all located around the college which is where I will be able to film. Parts of the documentary where I will be in, I will be filming at home where it is the easiest for me. The locations where I will be filming around the college are:
  • Classroom
  • Balcony
  • Atrium 
For copyright I will be try preventing copyright with the music otherwise i wont be able to use it. If you find music which has copyright you will have to find a different version of it. You need to make sure that you are able to use it and it isn't copyrighted otherwise you will need to find something else or another song which will fit well with the documentary. It is important to follow the copyright law and if you don't your video will be taken down from YouTube.

The regulations which you need to follow are the health and safety, data protection and the copyright act. These are important to follow because with the health and safety you need to make sure that everyone is safe and that there aren't any hazards with the location that you are filming at. For the data protection act you need to make sure that everyone data is safe because there could be some personal data from someone.

Tuesday, 24 November 2015

Key Assignment

Title of project: Social Action and Community Media Documentary

Summary of your film: My film documentary is about bullying and the different types of ways there are and how it can effect people. My documentary will be based more on social media such as twitter, instagram and snapchat. There will be some interviews from teenagers because this is who my documentary is targeted to and they are the most on social media. Also to make people aware of the issue and how people are able to help to make it stop or prevent it as much as possible. I want to make a change so the film will be informing and easy to understand. The length of my film is going to be 10 to 15 minutes long because it isn't too short and i believe it will be a good length to get all the information out.

Completion date: The filming of the documentary must be finished by 18/12/15 and we will be delivering the project on 8/1/16. I don't have any specific dates with location for filming the project but i will be filming within the school during monday-tuesday when i am able to get some filming which would be interviews. For my location I won't be needing permission to be filming there. I don't have a production team but I will be filming but also interviewing people so I might be on camera. There isn't any key people at the moment but I will be getting students from the college and get their different perspective on this. There isn't any objects which I want within my documentary but the objective of my film is to make people more aware of the issue and ways they are able to help to prevent it.

Key messages: To create an impact and raise awareness of a particular issue in the local area. There will be stories from people and how it has impacted people emotionally and physically. The point which I want to communicate is that it hurts people and that people shouldn't be doing it to others even if they are going through a hard time themselves. I intend to use my film for educational but also for brand awareness because people need to be more aware and they might not know much about it except the basics.

Target audience: 15+ because it has effected them the most but also more teenagers needs to be aware of it and that it shouldn't happen and they shouldn't do it to others.

Music: I am not sure what music I will use for part of my film but at the beginning I want music which is sad and inspirational which will be able to connect to the audience. The song will be clear from copyright.

Archive: My documentary will have about twitter and snapchat because it will be related to my documentary and also they will help and i am able to find evidence from them both and also people will have stories which there has been bullying.

Tuesday, 20 October 2015

Understanding and interpreting a brief

Working to a brief on a website in the creative media sector is important because people who are looking on the website need to understand what type of brief it is put also what are the requirements for the role within in the media sector.

In different briefs there are different requirements and some are more descriptive than others. You must follow what the brief says to meet the requirements and in some you are able to change things within the brief and then it will help you and the employer to make it the best they can for the website or a text book. For example a contractual brief is when they client just needs to sign the brief and they need to follow. This is easy to tell than other briefs is because they place where you sign your name and the others they wont need to. This wouldn't be good for a website or text book for the media sector because there will be more opinions and they might want to negotiate with their employees. The requirements of working to a brief find the one which is best for you and talk to your employees because within the creative media sector it is important as there might be a change and you must read the slowly and correctly in case there might be a mistake or you don't agree with something on it. You need to add everything what is on the brief because everyone will be looking at it and they want it to be as creative as they possibly can. With a website you can add your own ideas but there will be things which the employer will want to be added as well. A negation brief will fit the creative media sector because you can negiate with them and able to write parts of it and how long you will be able to take on the project and if it is fine with your employer who is needing the website. Also reading the brief is the most important thing and the things you must pay attention to is the final dates, time scale and what is required for you.  There are many opportunities to be found a brief such as learning new skills and developing skills which you already had. Also you might be able to self develop and by doing this and working to a brief you might want to continue within the media sector now. You will be able to multi task and multi skilling. For example if you are doing a presentation for your employer you must look out for these things and it could create an opportunity for you and you might be able to co-operate with other companies. They might be working on the same assignment but for different reasons such as multi tasking. A commission brief is for a client commissions a company to fulfill a brief and that it is only given to a company when the client has established a relation with them. This can be useful within the creative media sector because they will be wanting to work on a project and this will help to establish a relation with them. By making a website people are able to gain more understanding and what they will need to follow within a brief and what is also required. Another type of brief is a competition brief  and it is when it is opened to the public which allows a wide range of people to take on the the task and everyone has different talents to create a product. This brief is for free. An example of this brief is if there is a cupcake competition, anyone will be able to enter it as everyone has different talents and as the brief is free anyone is able to enter and try to win.

Friday, 16 October 2015

Understanding the purpose and impact of social action and community media production work

Social action and community media is a form of advertising a specific topic which is not community spoken about or is not a know subject.  The purpose of social action and community media is to address the audience about the current issue and try to tell them about convince them to try help before the issue gets worse.

There are three types of changes local, national and global change. There are many issues for all of these categories and there are ways to change them all. It can impact loads of people and there are many different actions, which could be approached. For example newspapers/magazines, websites, documentary/video. Also you could talk about it on the radio and it is one of the cheapest ways, which it can be heard from the whole community. These actions are for people to be more aware of the issue and helping it to stop.

Local Change
Local change are current issues in the community that members of the public may feel like the issue is concerning to them. For example drugs, abuse and littering. Drugs can be a big impact to the community and things need to be changed within the area. In the UK drugs are a major threat and that more people have tried them and also use them. It has came to a big concern.  It is affecting peoples health and more people are loosing their lives. From an article it says the first drug to slow the decline in patients and the disease affects the nerves and leads to fatigue, muscle problems and loss of vision.  There is no way they are able to fix the damage from the drug has caused.  They are wanting to make it legal as cigarettes because the war on drugs are a disaster and they want things to change. In 1971 the UK has a fewer than a 1,000 heroin and cocaine addicts and now in the UK there are 320,000 which has increased dramatically in the past 45 years. I have chosen this example because this is a local change which needs to be changed and more people need to be aware of as more people are dying and getting health issues from taking drugs. You are able to spread the word on social media because thousands of people use it every single say and this way is free so it would be easy for everyone. Also you can have articles in newspapers with stories of what people have gone through and how things are able to came. Drugs can impact peoples lives but also their friends and families.

National change
A national change is a change within the country where certain issues are addressed to the members of public so they can try to help and change the issue into a positive outcome. For example British heart foundation. This is a national campaign, which aims to keep hearts healthy and fight against disease. The impact is working 1000 research projects to prevent heart disease. In an article they want everyone to learn do CPRI incase of any emergency. 1 out 10 people suffer from cardiac arrest out of hospital. In Northern Ireland in secondary schools they are already providing CPR.  This impacts a lot of people because it changes a lot of people and their lives but also families and we want things to be changes. You are able to help and make a change by doing campaigns and raising money for the cause and making a change. For example in Loxwood park rangers makes a donation of £300 from a charity match. This will help them for patent and it can hopefully find a cure. This is a social action anyone can able help and make a difference. They can use adverts on TV where everyone over the UK are able to see but also on social media thousands of people use it and the word can easily be spread and it could get it trending so everyone is ale to see it. You could also put it on the community radio and everyone will be able to listen and see what people are going through and what they want to change in their lives. Building community media is a group of people coming together and trying to get their point across and trying to make a change and building a platform for people to try to reach within the country. They will have an issue which not many people might not know about and that all of the country would be suffering from so they want to reach out and campaign for more people to know about what is going on.

Global change

Global change is on a much larger scale than the others because it targets everyone around the world to help change this issue and many people might have strong feelings about this. For example Greenpeace. This is a global campaign which will help protect the earth. The impact it has on the earth is that Adidas has joined puma to go toxic free and that it will help the environment, rivers and else where which is depending on rivers. We aim to help the environment become better and a healthier place. Community media will help by doing a TV advert because as it is a global and everyone would be to see the advert and they will be able to help make a change and donating money to the cause and trying to changing this issue. In this article they are wanting to everyone to join them and help the climate and make a difference. They are doing a day in London where they are standing up for the climate. The climate is important and things needs to be changes and get more people to know about this issue and how it has impacted loads of countries and people. With taking part it will be able to raise money and raise awareness about the problems. Another article it shows thats no universities are helping for the cause and that they aren't volentering but a group are taking on a project and help save the arctic. Another global change was ALS. Not many people knew about the cause but last year everyone started donating and they did the ice bucket challenge for the cause. It went worldwide all over social media and spreading the word about it. Also they it was talked about on the news.

Overall the purpose and impact of social action and community media is for more people to understand the different causes which people might not know about and to spread the word and try and help people make a difference in the world. There are some local, national and global and there are all different type of community media to spread the word with. 

Wednesday, 7 October 2015

Brief homework

My strengths/ skills I have to be able to complete this project is that I am able to gather the information to put onto the website. This is a good skill to have because you will be able to help other people but also you will know the information to put onto the website which will stand out to others. Another skill which I have is help promote the website on other social media and more people will be able to go and look at it. I am very organised and I know what I am doing when I am working on my own. Some of my weaknesses are talking in front of loads of people which could be a way of promoting but it also means I might not be able to help in the creative part of the project because I don't like speaking but also I am not that creative which I need to work on. What I will need to negotiate on is how long we have for the project but also what type of website it is. Things which are missing from the brief is the skills which will be needed.

Sunday, 4 October 2015

Summary of research

The age range who is most affected by my issue is 17-21 year old but also people who has depression because it relates to bullying but also from social media bullying it can lead to depression. The community can be affected by this because loads of people in the community can be getting hate and bullied and things can happen because they are suffering with this issue. The community is affected because someone might of died from depression as they were bullied on social media. I found out that the government is trying to help kids and they have signed that they will get it to stop or at least decrease it. Also most people don't tell someone and they think they will be able to handle it by themselves even though they aren't able to.

Wednesday, 30 September 2015

Evaluation of my questionnaire

From my questionnaire I found out that most 17-21 year old have at least one social media such as Twitter, Snapchat or Instagram. Also that most people haven't been bullied on social media or text which can mean that they are being careful on their own social media but also they are too scared to say if they have or not. Even if they have been bullied they might say that they have stopped but it still means that they have. From my results the most frequent social media which gets a lot of hate is Snapchat and Facebook and that they are saying mean things or sending inappropriate things to someone else. Not many people don't know that has experienced it or even themselves. To stop the bullying or minimise it is to campaign and raise awareness about this issue and not many people might be aware but also might not be bothered about it. Also the sight or the app should have a place to complain and they should actually do something than reporting or block and them not doing anything about it.

Tuesday, 29 September 2015

awareness about the issue and how it effects community

Social issue

Some social issues is that children in school are introduced to new things which they never knew about and that they think they are fun to use and also they won't know any of the dangers about them. Some signs of social media bullying is:

  • Not interested in what you used to passionate about
  • Sleeping more
  • Wanting to harm themselves 
  • Loss of appetite 
  • Withdrawing from friends and family 
If you are getting bullied,these are some things which you should do:
  • Unfriend/unfollow anyone being mean to you
  • Block anyone who continues
  • Report their account 
  • Avoid any harmful messages
  • Tell someone what is happening
  • Keep evidence if needed. 
Political issues

Monday, 28 September 2015


Social action documentary

Please circle for each question

1.Are you male or female?

Male     Female

2.How old are you?

12-16   17-21   22 and over

3. What social media do you use?(please circle all you have/use)

Twitter    Instagram    Snapchat     Tumblr    Facebook    None

4. If you have any of the social media above have you ever got any hate/been bullied??

Yes              No

5.If Yes what social media was it on??


6.Do you have any ideas on how we can stop bullying on social media and text??


7.What is your personal opinion about this issue??

8.Do you have any personal stories of this issue??

Friday, 25 September 2015

Summary of my idea

My social action documentary is going to be about bullying because it impacts a lot of people in many ways. The type of bullying i will be basing my documentary on social media and texting which teenagers get or send everyday because it impacts them a lot. With my documentary i want to achieve that there would be less bullying on social media and texting but also change people opinion about it and try and help them to stop. Also i want to give people information and show them how much it has impacted teenagers but also how many deaths there has been from this.

Wednesday, 23 September 2015

My initial idea for documentary

My initial idea for my documentary is bullying. The type of bullying I will be doing is over the internet with social media but also I will be with texting as well. I am interested with this topic because that know one should be allowed to be mean to someone over the internet especially when they don't know the person or even met them. It effects them really bad emotionally and physically but also some can lead to suicide. Suicide shouldn't happen because it will effect more people who you know and they will feel bad as they didn't know but also they weren't supportive or tried to do something about it. I am trying to get people aware about this and they should always be careful and also try get to know someone online and you should be able to trust them because on social media there isn't some nice people. You should always be aware of what you are doing and you should feel safe and not get bullied This happens all the time and some people aren't brave enough to tell anyone as they are too scared and think they are able to handle it by themselves ever though they can't. Some key issues relating to this topic is that some can lead to death as it has impacted the person very hard as they don't know what they have done wrong. Also they could be having a really hard time in their life and someone has just made it even worse. Another key issue is that they don't know who to tell or they might just be too scared. This is a big issue because without telling anyone it can get worse and lead to something bad. Some people don't know who the person is and they just leave their name anonymous. The person who they are targeting won't let it go and they still just go on their social media as they feel like it. With texting they will actually know who you are as they have your number or even they just found it and keep annoying you. You should just block them. The 5 group of people I could interview are a student and another student which is younger so it could be a brother or sister. A Teacher and principal and you could interview your parents. I believe these are good people to interview because with your parents they look after you and they won't be angry what you tell them. A student will be good because we are always on social media and there are many types and finally teachers because they are here for you during the day when you are college/school and you can tell them if you can't tell your parents.

Tuesday, 22 September 2015

Analysing Interview Techniques

The name of the interviewer was called Krishnan Guru-Murthy and the person he was interviewing was Richard Ayoade. The context of the interview was to talk about a particular subject and as an interviewer to ask questions to the interviewee about how they are doing and the particular reason they are on the show. The interviewee wasn't really playing the role as he was suppose to because he was asking the interviewer questions and it sounded like that he didn't want to be where he was.

The purpose of the interview was to inform you about his new book but for broadcast reasons he wasn't allowed to. The interview wasn't informative because that they didn't really give much information and he just talked about random things and why he doesn't like interviews. He was trying to justify himself and he didn't want to be interviewed. The interviewer asked him some serious questions. The types of questions he asked was closed and he was able to get a straight answer from him. Some questions were personal such as do you think more norwegians should be in Britain. Also Krishnan asked some suggestive questions and he gave his opinion. There wasn't any structure to the interview because he said his name and then went into asking how he was and that he wasn't able to talk about his book. Richard gained more confidence and wanted to justify his reasons and he was trying to interview the interviewer but also talk about one of his interviews. The communications skills which they used were body language, for example they were sitting up straight and most of the time they were looking at each other. Also their tone of voice from the interviewer was calm and he thought he was just having a normal conversation with him. Also they kept on changing topics and they never got a conclusion.

Name of interviewer-Jon Snow

Context(Role and importance of an interview)

Purpose of interview(research enhancement,audience understanding, informative,justification

Question type-Closed questions

Structure-Wasn't that much structure.

Communication skills-They weren't really looking at eachother, kept arguing

Name of interviewer- Krishnan Guru-Murthy