Title of project: Social Action and Community Media Documentary
Summary of your film: My film documentary is about bullying and the different types of ways there are and how it can effect people. My documentary will be based more on social media such as twitter, instagram and snapchat. There will be some interviews from teenagers because this is who my documentary is targeted to and they are the most on social media. Also to make people aware of the issue and how people are able to help to make it stop or prevent it as much as possible. I want to make a change so the film will be informing and easy to understand. The length of my film is going to be 10 to 15 minutes long because it isn't too short and i believe it will be a good length to get all the information out.
Completion date: The filming of the documentary must be finished by 18/12/15 and we will be delivering the project on 8/1/16. I don't have any specific dates with location for filming the project but i will be filming within the school during monday-tuesday when i am able to get some filming which would be interviews. For my location I won't be needing permission to be filming there. I don't have a production team but I will be filming but also interviewing people so I might be on camera. There isn't any key people at the moment but I will be getting students from the college and get their different perspective on this. There isn't any objects which I want within my documentary but the objective of my film is to make people more aware of the issue and ways they are able to help to prevent it.
Key messages: To create an impact and raise awareness of a particular issue in the local area. There will be stories from people and how it has impacted people emotionally and physically. The point which I want to communicate is that it hurts people and that people shouldn't be doing it to others even if they are going through a hard time themselves. I intend to use my film for educational but also for brand awareness because people need to be more aware and they might not know much about it except the basics.
Target audience: 15+ because it has effected them the most but also more teenagers needs to be aware of it and that it shouldn't happen and they shouldn't do it to others.
Music: I am not sure what music I will use for part of my film but at the beginning I want music which is sad and inspirational which will be able to connect to the audience. The song will be clear from copyright.
Archive: My documentary will have about twitter and snapchat because it will be related to my documentary and also they will help and i am able to find evidence from them both and also people will have stories which there has been bullying.
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